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//About me

Video games claimed a special place in my heart when I was still young enough to get away with riding in a shopping cart.  I remember going to the general store with my mother one day when she rolled me up to a display for the Nintendo64.  The game they were demonstrating?  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  My young brain had no idea what was going on-- I missed all the opening cut-scenes and didn't know that resetting the game was a thing-- but I knew right away that this strange machine was something magical.

Fast-forward a decade or two, through the years of staying up too late playing Diablo II, devouring anything related to The Legend of Zelda, and scaring myself silly with Eternal Darkness.  I vaguely felt that I wanted video games to be a part of my career, but was wandering aimlessly through my coursework, not quite satisfied with anything I had done so far.  Bored one summer, I started bouncing game ideas off a friend.  He encouraged me to try my hand at Java again, this time for fun instead of school.

I dragged my feet the best I could.  The programming I had done for school was rather simple and uninteresting-- the things I had to do for this game were very confusing and required a lot of Googling.  And then one day, I had poked and prodded my mess of code enough to make it spit out a functioning map generator.  My hours of labor had produced something I was incredibly excited to keep working on, which had never happened to me before.  I then knew what I wanted to do.  I wanted to make video games.


Since I tend to use engines instead of starting with my own code, I can't really post much of my game stuff on the internet at this time.  However, I do have a GitHub page for any other code I produce and don't mind sharing, and you can find it here!

//Art portfolio

Although I am technically a fledgling engineer, I enjoy tinkering with game art, as well.  If you'd like to see my art portfolio, please click here!


If you would like the most recent version of my resume, please feel free to email me at critterbucket[at]gmail[dot]com.  Otherwise, you can find me on LinkedIn!